Rain-soaked earth songs

In the belly of clay pots

Her ancestors sing.


Ancestral mezcals are a true embodiment of the land from which they come. Each sip carries within it the essence of the region, the agave species, and the masterful techniques of the Mescalero or distiller.

These traditional methods of production result in a mezcal that boasts a characteristically unique taste and aroma, as individual as the hand that crafted it.

In comparison to industrial mezcals, which are mass-produced and often standardized, ancestral mezcals are crafted in small batches, making them highly sought after by those who appreciate the artistry and cultural significance of the traditional production process. The flavor profile of ancestral mezcals is often complex and nuanced, with notes of smoke, earth, and fruit dancing on the palate. They are prized by mezcal aficionados for their historical and cultural value, representing a direct link to the past and the ancestral traditions of the indigenous communities who have been perfecting their craft for generations.


Santa Catarina Minas is famous for producing some of the best ancestral mezcal in Mexico. Many of the mezcal producers still use traditional methods to produce mezcal, such as roasting the agave in underground pits, using wooden mallets to extract the juice, and fermenting the juice in wooden vats. These methods have been passed down from generation to generation and are deeply ingrained in the town’s culture.

The agave used to make ancestral mezcal in Santa Catarina Minas is typically grown locally and harvested by hand during the full moon, when it is believed to be at its sweetest and most flavorful.

The agave is then cooked, crushed, fermented, and distilled in clay pots resulting in a rich and complex mezcal with a unique flavor profile that reflects the terroir of the region.

Ancestral mezcal from Santa Catarina Minas is highly sought after by mezcal enthusiasts and collectors around the world. It is known for its smooth, smoky flavor and its nuanced notes of fruit, herbs, and spices. Drinking ancestral mezcal from Santa Catarina Minas is not just a way to enjoy a delicious beverage, but also a way to connect with the history and culture of a town that has been producing mezcal for centuries.